A new approach to Intent Based Advertising
As more and more b2b marketers integrate intent signals into their marketing plans, they quickly learn that they are not silver bullets. In order to get the best outcomes from intent based marketing you have to develop a granular approach that drives into the details of the process.
The Demand Studio intent solution for intent advertising has been designed with attributes that do much of the hard work for you, while our agency team monitors and calibrates at every stage.
Here are some of the ways that makes us different:
- Our bidstream process weighs signals by the relevance of publication – so research in a general newspaper for a particular keyword will score less than search in a technical journal.
- We offer a high degree of flexibility in the choice of keywords that reflect your market, not a pre-existing or static menu.
- We support foreign language keywords – essential for the SMB market in most European countries.
- Our scoring algorithms include automatically engagement with your own sites and landing pages to produce a single ranking of accounts.
double your (CTR) Click through rate
Serving the right content to the right person at the right moment in time is the key to greater conversion rates. We build your content strategy, define accounts with the highest potential to buy from you and engage with them in line with their stage in the buying journey. This guarantees higher CTRs.
More than triple results from paid search
Combining several sources of intent provides a more accurate view of where accounts are in their buying journey. We don’t just combine first and third party intent data, we also add engagement intent. This unique combination of multiple intent sources with our innovative ranking methodology achieves over 3 times more conversions to SQLs.
ads served to precise locations and devices
We ensure that no advertising budget is wasted by serving ads not just to the the companies in market for you but also to the right personas. We build our programs in such a way that we will only serve an ad when we can be sure it arrives at the right decision maker considering your offering.
You essentially spend less advertising budget for better results. Being focused on where we will place the ads and knowing that these are the right accounts and personas, ensures that every impression counts and has the opportunity to convert.